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“The 3rd Amendments to Chinese Trademark Law” - The Invention (January 2014) (co-author)

“The 3rd Amendments to Chinese Trademark Law 2” - The Invention (March 2014) (co-author)

“The 3rd Amendments to Chinese Trademark Law 3” - The Invention (May 2014) (co-author)

“The 3rd Amendments to Chinese Trademark Law 4” - The Invention (July 2014) (co-author)

“Practice and Points-to-Remember of the Geneva Act 1999 of the Hague Agreement – Regarding Description and Fee Structure of Applications, Databases, Registered Cases, and Judicial Precedents-“- Patent (September 2014) (co-author)

“The 3rd Amendments to Chinese Trademark Law 5” - The Invention (November 2014) (co-author)